Interview mit Skudge


Wir hatten die Ehre ein kleines Interview mit dem schwedischen Duo Skudge zu führen, die sich mit Leib und Seele dem Techno verschrieben haben. Das letzte Mal kamen wir in Berlin in den Genuss eines Sets der beiden, nun bringt uns die IWW-Crew anlässlich ihres 6. Geburtstages eine Wiederholung direkt zu uns nach Hause. Ihr analoges Live-Set findet in den großen Hallen des Backstage-Werks den perfekten Rahmen.


Last time we saw you at Berghain, now we´re really glad to see you in our home town Munich soon! We also noticed that you´ve played several times here already, which things come to your mind first when you remember Munich and what are you looking forward to at the IWW sixth birthday celebration?

Hey guys, well, we’re looking forward playing here again, the munich techno crowd is quite fun! And as it’s the birthday, we’re also looking forward eating tons of cake!



We´re also interested in your home. How is the local techno-scene in Stockholm and Sweden developing in the past time?

The Stockholm techno scene probably is one of the strongest in the world, yet not really getting all the attention it deserves. Cari Lekebush, Jesper Dahlbäck, Adam Beyer have been around for over 2O years now, and a pioneer such as Jean-Louis Huata is still rocking under his Dungeon Acid Moniker. Andreas Tillander and his TM404 project has really been something special lately, the Born Free crew is also worth investigating, guys like Nihad Tule currently seems to have a coming of age, and of course our fellow Rivet, Abdulah Rashim & Co, Studio Barnhus, MRSK and such are also shaping the future, that the Börft crew already set in motion in the late eighties. There’s just sooooo much!

Octave One played at the last year´s IWW birthday. In so many interviews they are named as a great influence. What experiences or other artists led you the way to producing techno?

I guess Techno is probably the best music for punks like us to get so much control over what we do and want to achieve. We have such a broad spectrum of influences, but the minimal aspect of techno is perfect for us to convey small ideas (or big ones!) that may not be typical of the genre and yet getting away with it. Also, we love the studio and machines, so I guess we were a perfect match from the get go!

In which musical aspects differ your labels Skudge Records and Skudge White?

Skudge and Skudge present mostly showcase the dance floor aspect of our work while Skudge White presents is way more freeform. It still is perfect DJ material, but maybe for the more adventurous ones.

Can you tell us about some projects and plans in the nearer future that we can look forward to?

Our live set is constantly changing, but we plan to induce an even more drastic change in the coming months, and also start recording an album as the label has/is taking so much of our time and energy. But we’re still very excited to soon introduce new projects and shine some new light on old but well-deserving talent.